myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

March 20, 2007

Being Paralyzed

I was sleeping in my bed I could feel everything around me. But at that moment my body turned into stone or perhaps iron, no perhaps someone was sitting on my chest and didn't let me breathe. I thought I was going to die. At that moment I really wanted to wake up and move but I couldn't. I decided to call for help. My soul came out of my stoned body. It stood in front of my sister's bed calling to her "wake me up please Tary, wake me up" it seemed she couldn't hear it." Wake me up" it shouted this time. My soul picked the cell phone and thrown it at her in order to wake her up, it seemed that she was dead. The soul found it useless and returned to my body. Now it was the time for my mind to make a decision. "There is no reason to wake up when the body has turned to stone, go back to sleep". I tried to relax a bit, then I felt a shocking shake in my body and I couldn't breathe. It was killing me. The only way was to start moving. I started with my finger. I used all of my energy to move my right index finger it was as if I was moving a rock or a mountain. I made it I moved it. In that moment I felt someone has thrown me into my bed. I could feel beads of sweat running down my face. I looked around, I saw my sister deep in sleep. I still don't know how to get rid of this kind of experience, which experts call it sleep paralysis.

What you read above was my first experience of sleep paralysis. Till now I have had more than 50 experience of SP. I have found out that moving my eyes helps more that moving my finger. Remember if you sleep in a supine position the chance of having SP will increase. If you have experienced SP please share it with me.

1 comment:

Atousa said...

Dear Rahele,
Wow, what an experience!!! I had never heard of and I'd be glad to hear more about it. Please do share more! And this is a fine blog you have.
Happy new year ;-)